Wednesday, July 22, 2015


The girls found an old pair of boots of mine from pre-baby days, and decided it fit their wardrobe. Avy's making it work!


That is a reference to one of my favorite comics and I'm probably going to be referencing it for the next 20 years so, here you go. Enjoy!

They both really wanted to climb all the way up this thing (~10' tall). I made them stop where I could still reach - I wasn't going to climb up after them!

Reading to a wiggleworm

Avy is focused and calm-as-you-please. Ellie... has things to do ;)

First ice cream cones

Ellie decided it was ok, not her favorite - in fact most of it went back in the freezer for "later" (re: Daddy eating it). Avy thought it was the best thing ever - I've never seen her eat so carefully. Not a drip spilled!

Park day!

Every day is a park day, to be honest. This one was special though - Daddy was home! We went picking at the blackberry fields, then walked across the street to the park on the lake. After a picnic lunch that we shared with some ducks (Avy especially loved feeding them), we played on the playground for a while then swam in the lake. Then everyone came home for a nap (parents included!). What a great Saturday :)

No pictures of the lake swimming sadly, everyone was involved so there were no safe/sand-free places for phones.

The girls made a new friend

Our neighbors have something of a homestead, with 4 dogs (including a new puppy!), bees, chickens, a huge garden and greenhouse. The girls spotted the puppy on a walk and we just ... kinda... invited ourselves over. Chickens are interesting, but the big winner was the lab Bugsy - she and Ellie became fast friends :)