Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Quinoa Patties

Quinoa is healthy healthy healthy! So they tell me. But have you tried to eat it without utensils? It's crumbly and for babies, practically impossible to eat. With extra cooked quinoa in the fridge I went looking for a more finger-friendly solution...like this! Babies approve, as do I, so these get a solid 4 stars. They probably rate higher, but I was leaving them on the bland side for the young tastebuds. Needs cayenne though! And tabasco! And lots and lots of salt.

Quinoa Patties (via Stovetop Story)


1 1/4 cup cooked quinoa (cooled down)
2 large eggs
1/2 yellow onion (chopped in food processor)
1/6 cup grated Romano cheese (you can also use Gruyère or Parmesan)
1/2 cup breadcrumbs or almond flour
1 clove garlic (minced)
1/6 cup fresh parsley (chopped)
salt, pepper to taste
1 tsp olive oil

In a large bowl, mix the cooked quinoa with the eggs and salt. Next, add the grated cheese, onion, parsley, garlic, and breadcrumbs. Mix well and let the batter sit while it absorbs the liquid. It should be moist, but it should easily hold.

Next, form patties and heat olive oil in a pan. Cook the patties for about 7 minutes, or until golden brown. Flip them over and cook for about another 7 minutes.

Top with a mashed avocado, good olive oil, fresh mozzarella or chopped tomatoes.  Salt and pepper to taste, and drizzle with tabasco.

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