Saturday, August 22, 2015

She's probably ready for potty training

So this is a cute story that I can't tell for much longer. We've been mattress training and by large it's been very successful. This day, Avy went right to sleep but Ellie rolled around and played for a while. Eventually took her pants and diaper off, then fell asleep.

Yep that's her little tuckus sticking out at the camera. I saw that, sighed, and mentally prepared myself to clean up a mess after nap. Half hour later, I hear her whine, check, and see her move to here:

Odd.... Turns out, she had to pee, woke up and didn't want to potty on her bed so moved to the floor. There was a little puddle when they woke up, and we had to wash her legs, but the bed/bedding was completely dry. Good job Ellie!

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