Friday, December 11, 2015

Say hello to our new littles!

It's been a busy week - our little ones have come out to play! There's so many pictures that I'm just going to do a drop here but hopefully we'll go back to semi-normal updates again after. A few new videos are available as well!

Theodore Scott Aldridge was born first at 7 lbs 1 oz and Lily Piper Aldridge was second at 7 lbs 4 oz. Suffice to say, we were not expecting that much weight - we were thinking they were barely 6 lbs each. It's all those peanut butter sandwiches and ice cream...

The girls had a brief warming up period but now they're all kisses and wanting to bring them their pacifiers and bottles so they won't cry. They're great big sisters :)

There's nothing sexier than a man in a paper suit holding his newborn twins :)

Lily on the left, Theo on the right. Lily is ready to nurse, nownownownownow!

Theo sleeping peacefully.

Father and son napping. Lily was in the NICU at this point for jaundice (ended up spending a few days there) so Theo got some exclusive 1:1 time for a couple days.

My alert little boy.

Snoozy little girl

At home!


I see the resemblance...

Why thank you for that smile!

Everyone's home! Best Christmas ever :)

Dad feeding the babies with Avy looking on. He's old hand at this, as is the couch - the couch has "twindents" from feeding the girls this way ;)


Good gentle, Avy!

Snoozing with Lily.

Snuggles for everyone!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

And here comes the fun!

All, I'd like you to meet Theodore Scott Aldridge, born 12/2/15 (exact time TBD) and Lily Piper Aldridge, born two minutes later. Theo clocked in at 7lbs 1 oz and Lily at 7lbs 4 oz - looks like all those peanut butter sandwiches went to good use!

Both got APGAR scores of 9 and started nursing immediately. Momma is hale and hearty but not allowed to eat yet (dreeeeeaming of foooooood). If I'd known it was going to be this easy I would have added a few more to the batch! Efficiency!

Many many more pictures to come soon. Our love to you all.

Lily on the left, Theo on the right.

Final belly!

Our final belly posting. Final weight: 232 lbs with a circumference of 57". Whew!