Thursday, December 3, 2015

And here comes the fun!

All, I'd like you to meet Theodore Scott Aldridge, born 12/2/15 (exact time TBD) and Lily Piper Aldridge, born two minutes later. Theo clocked in at 7lbs 1 oz and Lily at 7lbs 4 oz - looks like all those peanut butter sandwiches went to good use!

Both got APGAR scores of 9 and started nursing immediately. Momma is hale and hearty but not allowed to eat yet (dreeeeeaming of foooooood). If I'd known it was going to be this easy I would have added a few more to the batch! Efficiency!

Many many more pictures to come soon. Our love to you all.

Lily on the left, Theo on the right.

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