Thursday, February 11, 2016

February Funness

Just random shots of cuteness :)

Oh Avy, adorbs....

Ellie smiles with enthusiasm!

Theo is such a smiley bug...

This is Theo's unadjusted growth chart - he's in the 98th percentile for height before you allow for the fact he was preemie. He's off the charts if you adjust. Tall like his daddy....

What do you do with the boxes when you get 500 diapers delivered to your door? Build a fort!

Daddy came home, scooped up Lily and left for a shower. This is what I found:

Leave a toddler alone with markers for one minute....

Daddy's question: "Have you been watching someone put on makeup?" She had done her eyes very carefully, very thoroughly. Also, in bruise colors. Yay.

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