Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May was a busy month

May has been a full month for us! With birthdays and it being our last month for nannies, we've been out and about to many wonderful places!

Daddy smooching a Lily.

Birthday hairdos! Very elaborate :)

Nana Evers sent all the girls tutus! Lily is a fan...

Lily also likes bathing (thankfully).

Birthday cupcake at the park.

Random sweet Avy shot :)

Theo pre-doze.

The girls' birthday was a three day affair - Sunday when Dad was home, Monday with Annah and Tuesday with Jessilee! Here we went to the Museum of Flight in Seattle, where you get to climb all over different types of planes. Theo and Lily went with us but I have no pictures of them sadly.

My little adventurers.

Part of the overall museum was the attached Museum of Space. Among other things it had a replica spaceship you could walk into, and bottle rockets you could pump up and send shooting up to the ceiling. The girls liked this part ;)

Theo being a pal.

Took the family swimming! Annah's sister Caryn came with us to help with babies and do photoshoots :) Babies were both big fans - I was expecting 30 minutes at most of happy time for them, but they stayed in over an hour.

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