Monday, June 27, 2016

An assortment of Lilies

Lily fully engaged :)

We did a joint bath! The girls would carefully hold a baby (one at a time, I'm not crazy to do both babies at once) and I would scrub them. Worked really well, and the girls were super helpful.

How to keep kids entertained

The gym class we've been going to has a balance beam but despite it being on the floor, the girls had no interest in trying. So, at home I plopped a 2x4 on the grass and low and behold! We have the new best thing ever.

Here are babies eating pumpkin buttons and popcorn. Lily especially is a big fan - she demolished 2x Theo's serving.

Girls eating lunch outside. :)

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Strawberry Festival

We missed last year's, but this year we all biked (kids in trailers, adults on bikes - mush, mush!) up to the festival. I had Ellie and Lily and the running commentary on our way up there was hilarious.

"Daddy going super fast."
"You going super slow."
"Lily asleep."

Yeah well, your Dad bikes 13 miles a day kid, you just ended up on the slow train.

This year there were fire engines, construction machines and a trash truck out for kids to climb on and investigate - fun! Then we listened to live music while we ate our packed picnic, played on the playground, and walked around the booths. It was a really good day :)

Friday, June 24, 2016

The child is sweet

...but a little strange.

She wanted to pick berries for Momma, Avy, Theo and Lily but didn't have a cup on hand. So she used her shoe. It's the thought that counts!

Moments of genius

I'm rather proud of this one. We were getting ready to go, and I had to take a potty break. Babies were in their car seats but they don't particularly like being in their car seats, so they were crying. Cue genius moment.

"Girls, sit here and rock the babies while watching a Daniel Tiger episode." "OK!"

10 minutes of blissful silence :)

Outdoor play

Warm, sunny afternoons - you have to go outside!

Thumbs up!

I gave the girls thumbs up, and they gave them back to me! Sorta. Kinda.

"Avy, that's not a thumbs up!"

I guess she thought two was better than one.

Ellie looks positively diabolical in her thumb-upping.

Gym class

We've been testing out a Little Gym class these past two weeks - ultimately it takes too much work for me to get the girls to really participate but once they do they have a blast!

Free-play gym. The girls loved the trampoline, couldn't really get Avy to try anything else. Ah well, as she gets bigger...


Here's how Ellie eats a s'more:

And here's Avy:



Family time

We did a lot of BBQing and had a picnic in the backyard for Father's Day - very low key.

The girls really wanted to hold the babies and rather than trying to keep tabs on them all the time, we had a "class" on the correct/safe way to pick up and hold the babies. See the video!

Avy passed the class with flying colors. Even now she's quick to go pick up a baby and hug them if they're crying in the other room.

A+ to Ellie!

More practice! We've done this several times a day this past week until I'm sure they won't stand up with them, or roll them over wrong. It's turned out to be a huge help :)

Ellie showing Lily how to play with a toy.

Sitting babies! Watching their big sisters.

Happy Lily :)