Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Family fun in June

Some of the Aldridge clan came to visit us in June, and Daddy took the week off to hang out. We've been having a lot of fun so far!

Shooting rockets - you jump on the air bladder and the rocket shoots off the other end. Perfect for little ones needing to burn off steam.

Some of the uncles teaching Theo how to play chess. Theo is rapt.

Lily doesn't hate the broccoli. She prefers asparagus though.

At the beach! We rented a 4-man paddle boat and a 3-man kayak and the girls went out in each. Great day.

Sarah wanted to hold Ellie's hand.

Avy wasn't going to be left out of the affection.

I got Avy up one morning with a dreadlock solidly in front. When I asked her what had happened, she said "I braided my hair like Annah!"

Smoothies are delicious!

Everyone enjoying the warm weather.

Just want you want to look up and see: your child holding a power drill and an innocent look on their face.

Impromptu picnic!

Nana's got this twin thing down.

Philip's going to sleep well tonight!

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