Thursday, August 3, 2017


Theo is definitely a Momma's boy, and this is never so evident as when I need to use the restroom. Even if I don't tell the kids, as soon as he hears the door click he comes screaming down the hallway to wail outside. Which was exactly what happened: I heard his siren-wail start in the living room and zoom down the hall to outside my door. And then, through the door...

Ellie: "Don't worry Mom. I got it."

And in just a moment, Theo's crying stops. Magically. Um.... what?

I open the door and there is Ellie sitting on my bed with Theo and Lily, surrounded by toys.

Ellie: "I distracted them! They're not sad anymore!"

Then she picked up all the toys, put them back in the box she'd brought them in, and carried it back into the living room.

Kid, you're hired. And I'm retiring.

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