Monday, May 7, 2018

Spring is here!

And with it comes glorious outdoor time.

Theo drew me a fish. He even told me what it was :)

Mmmm spring smoothies.

Momma and her friend Rola! Her daughter Patty was a great playmate for the kids - sadly they've now gone back to Taiwan :( We're planning an Asia trip guys!

Patty and Theo :)

He looks so delighted. Don't worry Theo, your turn will come ....

Snuggle buddies

Where'd Daddy go, Lily?

Big kids now, all of them.

Assembling wood construction machine toys. The girls did great with these, considering how sticky the screws were.

Painting the end result

Going for a walk with my girls (Theo is elsewhere....)

Ellie's big on patterns now

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