Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Whew! Life, yada yada, let's see some pictures!

So it's safe to say that life has been busy this summer. Between school, summer camps, family visiting, and general running around it's been a wonderful, but not slow, season. But still, I occasionally took pictures and now, only somewhat into fall, here they are!

Lily rocking a Miley Cyrus look (one side of her head shaved). I'd say she can pull it off pretty well!

My big kid...:')

Theo's gone through the most transformation this summer, I'd say. His speech is rapidly catching up with the girls' and we're now TOTALLY DIAPER FREE. Amazing.

Another big kid in my house! Where are they coming from?

They packed snacks and their water bottles and went on a hike up and down the street without me. This is their "farewell, Mom!".

Summer and high grass.

Making... something. I don't know, but it involved chocolate so everyone is happy.

Birthday cakes! These were from our lovely neighbors Jeanie and Loran - the girls made their own birthday cake themselves later.

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