Saturday, January 18, 2020

Preparing for Christmas

Nana Evers gave the kids brushes for Christmas and I got a new hairstyle. That's 1, 2, 3 brushes you see working on me. 

Putting up the tree.

Theo goes straight for the Christmas books.

First we made our own Christmas ornaments (no pictures sadly), then we painted them!

Also we had a birthday in there - the littles are now the younglings at a whopping 4 years old!

Lily just wanted unicorns. I obliged.

Theo wanted something he could share with the others. We gave him a foam sword that splits into 2 foam swords and it's been a huge hit ... not literally!

Took Dan to the dog park for a solid run before taking him to the boarding house for vacation, and met this monster. This dog's head was larger than a basketball, and he loved giving Lily and Theo kisses. He was a solid 220 lbs according to his owner. Gentle giant.

Discovered a new, wonderful park.

Daddy's teaching the girls how to play Starcraft :)

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