Monday, June 9, 2014

The girls' birthday party!

The girls are now one, and we threw a big party for them... well, no really, it was for us adults, they were just the excuse. Adorable excuses they were though! Dave and Olivia each spent several days on their respective projects (24 hr smoked brisket, and a two tiered birthday cake) and the wonderful Aunties Rachel and Maureen distracted the babies during the process.

Dave wrapping up the food with roasted veggies and smoked salmon:

Birthday cake! Banana for our two little monkeys, with Ellie on top offering Avy a banana ;)

Auntie Maureen being wonderful! Auntie Rachel was behind the camera for most of the party, thank you!!

We are now prepared for people! 

A montage of babies eating! They were pretty shocked by the number of people watching them eat, but cake quickly made everything all better:

Psst, Dave, that's not one of your babies....

A couple of mommas being amused at the babies' cake eating skills.

Auntie Rachel with a cake-free Avy!

Avy with Auntie Maureen in the bounce house:

"Do we like this, Avy?" "Not sure yet..."

"Ok, yes I'm a fan"

Ellie stalking the aunties!

1 comment:

  1. Baaahahahaa! I love it! So precious!
    And my gosh, Weeva, that cake!! You're amazing!
    Wish I could have been there!!! ^_^
