Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Veggie buttons

This recipe is an amazing substitution for Cheerios as a snack, and is excellent on the go. Unfortunately the blog I pulled it from is now defunct :( but kudos to you, original poster, this has saved my bacon many times.
I make a huge batch and freeze it in bags, and grab what I need for trips. It carries easily and defrosts quickly, and the girls love the chewy texture. The original recipe uses sweet potatos but I've since made both squash and carrot versions and the girls have been fans of all.
Veggie buttons:
3/4 c. mashed sweet potato (or carrots or squash, etc, precooked and puréed)
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
3 tbsp. water
1 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 c. baby cereal
1/2 c. almond flour
1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
2. Mix mashed sweet potatoes, oil and water in a medium size bowl or measuring cup.  (To make my mashed sweet potatoes, I boiled sweet potato chunks until tender and mashed with a little bit of the water they were boiled in until very smooth.)
3. Stir in brown sugar and cinnamon.  If your baby is sensitive to cinnamon, you can omit it.
4. Stir in remaining dry ingredients.  (The baby cereal I used was baby oatmeal but I believe rice cereal should work just as well.)  The dough should begin pulling away from the side of your mixing bowl.  Add more cereal or flour if your dough seems too wet; however, it should be a little sticky.
5. Pipe small ‘dots’ of dough onto an ungreased cookie sheet using a piping tip with a large opening (or a ziplock bag with a tip cut off).  Bake for 15 min.  Bake longer if you would like a crispier result or shorten the bake time if you would rather a softer, chewier result.

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