Saturday, May 9, 2015

A little update

As I mentioned a few posts back, we've been rather busy here in pairadise. Family visiting, house painting, and... another pregnancy :) Now, we love being parents of twins - it's just so gosh darn efficient! - and we decided, hey! Why not do it again?

So yes. We're now 2 months pregnant with twins again. It's going to be a full house!

Posting is going to be a little slower than normal unfortunately. Twin pregnancy is higher risk than normal anyway, and the babies haven't been fans of their sisters jumping on Momma's belly :S The result? Bedrest for Momma!

I still get some good shots of them now and then, but right now the nanny is getting the real quality time. We'll just have to beg her to take and post pictures for all of us now!

It must be a twin thing...

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