Sunday, May 3, 2015

Days out on the town!

We had the house painted last week, and had to be out of the house early and for the full day to stay out of the painters' way.

Breakfast! Momma braved a diner, which was surprisingly uneventful. Despite our food taking 1/2 hour, the girls were patient - stacking jam, playing with the silverware, and generally not destroying the world. Thank you girls!

Ellie approves of bacon:

While Avy wants all the pancakes in the world:

There was a trip to the park to feed the ducks, a trip to the grocery store for snacks, and home for lunch before we went to the mall for their kids' play area.

What do you do when you're stuck in one bedroom while they paint the halls? Play with shapes! Thank you (thank you) Nana!

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