Wednesday, July 6, 2016


We're ramping up our homeschooling now, and Momma is super excited. The girls have already learned most of the alphabet, although the words they have associated per letter is still fairly limited. Behold, my genius plan:

Each day is dedicated to a letter, and each time the girls or I say a word starting with a letter we write it on the list. Today is B-Day, and it turns out a lot of B words happen over the course of our mornings. Right now I'm doing most of the instigating, but the girls have already contributed a lot more today than yesterday. I'm looking forward to filling our hallway :)

Their breakfast this morning:

They're also learning their numbers and although they know them verbally they haven't yet learned the symbols. Behold again (this is what happens when I get enough sleep):

There's a balance beam, two things to climb (buckets and step stools), the patio (not shown) and the fence up the hill. My diabolical plan: I yell to them which number to run to and they identify the number and run/twirl/skip/jump/roll to it, thereby training their symbol knowledge and also wearing them out. They're currently sleeping really well ;)

We have puzzles, focus toys, workbooks, and learning games as well, and the girls are having a blast. Who needs preschool? I would be bored!

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