Friday, July 29, 2016

Something is really working for us

Whether it's the twin thing, Montessori thing, tender neglect thing.. I dunno, but the combination thereof is awesome. Have a not-so-humble brag:

Ellie peed through her bed two nights ago so she was using a different quilt last night while I washed her blankets and sheets. The girls were making their beds up while I fed the babies and Ellie asked where her blankets were. I told her downstairs in the drier and Avy yells, "I'll help you Ellie!"

They made two separate trips. A little bit later I went in and found this (Ellie's is pink):

So not only did they work together to bring up the blankets but they also helped each other to put them on the bed correctly. They also brought up the sheets and when they realized there were already sheets on the bed Avy asked me where they went then put them in the correct drawer.

The temporary quilt I found sitting on my bed, waiting to be put away. LOVE SO MUCH!

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