Sunday, April 8, 2018

I took a gap month (catch up pt1)

We've still been taking some pictures but mostly March was a blur of no sleep for me - something we're slowly figuring out. The major change for me? No more coffee. No. More. Coffee. -sob-

Needless to say, I don't remember March. Or really, the first bit of April either. But apparently I was still documenting it!

Ellie discovered the joys of static electricity:

Brace yourselves, I'm going to outright brag for a moment. Here's how a lot of mornings go now: Lily sweeps the floor:

And all four kids work to unload the dishwasher. Yep. I'm retiring.

Theo loves to make a cozy spot and read. Actually, all the kids do, even when it's sunshiney outside - look! Sun!

Theo gets a lot of this now. It's going to be a shock to the others when he fully finds his height ;)

I predict many many braids in their future.

Avy reading to Theo.

We had a game night with our cousins Michael, Diep and Evelyn so the kids and I made chocolate muffins for snack.

Lily definitely approves.

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