Sunday, April 8, 2018

I took a gap month (catch up pt2)

Family in a box!

The kids finally realized you could build train tracks and make the trains run on the tracks. They've been the favorite toy ever since.

Yea they all love swinging.

And we have some crazy climbers now.

The kids each have their own cheapo little measuring tape from Home Depot, and the big girls were measuring each of the track pieces, putting them together, adding them and measuring to see if the result matched their sums. Self-directed play - I love it!

They had made a restaurant.

Avy made a helmet so she could fight dragons.

We made inclined planes with toilet paper rolls and marbles, and talked about why the marbles rolled down.

We briefly flirted with the idea of doing away with the babies' cribs. Here the kids were getting used to the idea of sleeping on the floor. Ultimately Momma decided she was crazy and that she wasn't going to attempt any thing like this while Daddy was traveling (whew).

They're watching a window-washer.

Investigating a stream by the park.

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