Saturday, June 9, 2018

Slapdash catch up pt2

The littles don't nap any more now, so we've been experimenting with how to do school time. We started out doing school in the evenings after the littles went to bed but found that was just too late in the day (and cut into our big-kid activities). Now the littles have quiet time in their cribs with books and toys and after a bit of training, it's working very well!

I bought some edible bugs. The kids bravely ate some edible bugs. Theo and Lily here are eating ants.

I walked in on them snuggling.

Ellie got in on the action.

It just kept getting sweeter.

And then Avy tried to squeeze in and it all dissolved in giggles.

This is taller than me. See Theo? Ellie taught him how to climb up. She's big on teaching these days, that one.

During meals we read a chapter book (everyone's occupied and it keeps down meal-fights). We just started Little House in the Big Woods and the kids didn't know what a butter churn was. After explaining it, I poured some cream into a water bottle and let them all shake it just as hard as they could (oh my they loved this), and then we all drank buttermilk and had fresh butter on bread.

Lily likes to "read" books outloud and Theo doesn't care if it's accurate or not, so I catch them snuggled like this all the time now. Theo: "Don't interrupt her, Mom!"

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