Saturday, June 9, 2018

Slapdash catch up

Between us all being sick for oh.. the last 8 weeks and Momma trying really hard not to carry around her phone (I'm trying to avoid news and read actual books), I have about a dozen pictures of the last few months. Bleh. But we've been busy!

Taking all the kids to a soccer game. Ear protectors required, it gets really loud. I love how it squishes their cheeks ;)

Ellie is starting to rebel against all picture taking.

Uno! We have a new favorite game and the girls are wickedly good at it - trolling runs strong in this family ;)

I asked the girls to move their rocking chairs so I could mow. I found this funny.

Making the birthday cake!

Lily's related to some rock climbers, I can tell.

First cherries of the season.

Our library just installed a Maker's area and in the afternoons they open it up for kids - Lego play!

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