Saturday, July 21, 2018

Sweet kids

Avy played with her silly putty for a while, making strings and then bunching them together. Then she brought it to me: "Look Mom! It's a brain!"

Smiley boy.

She looks all sweet here but the next 5 shots after this one were of her "RAR"ing at the camera. You can see it in her eyes....

Blueberry picking! The kids were sick and it was hot, so this didn't last, but Ellie was a devoted blueberry picker and kept it up even as I took the other kids to the bathroom. The independence is real now.

It's a Momma!

Avy made a rainbow at the park.

Ellie recently learned how to bicycle herself, so Dad bought her her very own bike. As a family, we biked to the park - Dad caravan, Ellie, Mom caravan - then to the library, then home. A solid 5 mile bike ride, go Ellie!


Moar snuggles.

I turned on The Greatest Showman soundtrack, a favorite of our whole family. This is how the kids like to listen. If you haven't watched the movie WATCH THE MOVIE.


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