Saturday, July 21, 2018

Wandering through the days

We have a few regularly scheduled activities but by large our day-to-day is fairly routine: breakfast, chores, play/read, go outside/to park, lunch, school, quiet time/tv, play, dinner, read/play, bed. Which, especially in the summer, is glorious. I also love the kinds of play the kids come up with when left to their own devices.

Drawing is a big thing now. The kids made a drawing train (their words):

Avy made a robot.

Ellie drew a triceratops.

Lily investigated dirt up close (with help from her brother); she was unbothered by her resemblance to a puppy.


Pool time! It's been getting hotter here (although not as hot as the rest of you, phew!).

She's a witch. A bossy witch.

The girls got into puzzles which sparked Theo's interest - he put this one together himself!

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