Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Happy family

Yep, they do this a lot. Lily loves the kisses; Dan loves the food on her face.

Ellie and Avy working together to get the laundry out of the washer and into the dryer. I love the teamwork!

Coming up with games to play - throwing beanbags around back and forth!

The big girls have allowances now, and this was their first time spending it. Both girls bought a bag of Skittles; both girls promptly divided them up and shared evenly with everyone. I love how they consider each other's feelings.

Avy and Dan get along ;)

Trying on rain gear!

Random "I love you" hugs.

Taking Dan to the park - this worked great!

The way he sits (on his butt, like a human) cracks me up.

Pillow for scale. He's about twice this big now, and still growing!

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