Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Life slice

Dan is thoroughly integrated now - he joins us during reading time.

And TV time.

And yardwork time (less helpful though ;)

Lily so wants to be a big kid now, and insists on doing everything the big girls do, and then some. Here she is picking up dog poop (I couldn't dissuade her).

The girls are mending clothes and stuffed animals. This is now a thing they do regularly (see Momma's face? Momma's face is beaming - I don't have to do it any more!!!)

She made a sparkly sword. And then she became sparkly :)

Dan with video game time.

Dan being fed peanut butter (Lily wants to be his best friend, I swear)

Ellie reading to Lily

Dan and Ellie snuggling.

At the park, waiting for Daddy to join us.

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