Friday, May 17, 2019


One of our projects is the backyard - garden beds galore! The other project is the master bathroom - we discovered bubbling paint that led to mold that led to scraping walls that led to "how about we just redo this sucker, honey?" So here's Dave helping me take out the shower pan.

Demo-licious! We've since removed all of the drywall and are putting together the design; garden boxes took precedent now that the weather's nice.

You can see the massive pile of dirt in our driveway. We dug up the strawberries next to the walk and replaced that whole area, and built and installed four garden beds plus flower plot. Gardening: a real workout!

Finished garden beds! We have raspberries (gifts from our lovely neighbors), divided garden beds for each kid, and a big U bed for Momma.

We had a little extra dirt so I made a flower plot with a cherry bush (the things we have now) in the front.

Lily was in time out and Ellie was keeping her company. I just loved their expressions.

Cute kid tax!

Dan snuggles Avy the most because Avy holds still the most.

Dave force-snuggles Dan; Dan does not mind.

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