Wednesday, November 18, 2015


We've had some wonderful nannies here this past week (thank you to all of them, the girls have been so happy!) but our current one wins for bringing her doggy (discussed beforehand with me, of course). I'm pretty sure the girls did nothing else but pet/chase/play with the pup for two days.

Unfortunately I missed the kisses Avy got all over her face :(

I love Ellie's nonchalant petting of the dog during story time here.

A long while back when we were first introing the girls to dogs, I told them to hold your hand out so the dog can sniff you and get to know you before petting. You can see Avy retained this lesson in the pictures - she's always offering her hand to sniff before petting. Good girl!

"Wuv, twue wuv...."

I feel like this right here is proof I should pay the nanny more:

I asked what Ellie was doing in this picture. "Bowing."

They understand each other, clearly.

We've got enough puppies in the mix right now, but I foresee a four-legged one in our near future :)

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