Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Further updates

There's just too much excitement not to share :) Dr's appointments yesterday and today have given us really good news: the boy is clocking in at 5lbs, 13 oz and the girl at 5lbs, 10 oz. Almost to 6 lbs each! They've also passed the 35 week mark - we're now at 35 weeks, 1 day, and counting. Beat the girls!

The OB today looked me over and said it looked like they're staying put until 38 weeks. My comment: "Yay! Maybe we'll hit 8 lbs each!" Him (with a wry grin): "Pretty sure you'll want to evict them before that." What's 16 lbs of baby though, really? ;)

We're doing well, and excited as we count down the days :)

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