Thursday, November 12, 2015

Probably final update for a while

What a sad title. The truth of the matter is that with babies so big (close to 6 lbs now!) we've decided to hire a nanny from now until my parents arrive for Thanksgiving. I'm sure there will be holiday pictures/videos and I'll upload them as they come, but my plan largely (har har) now is to do a whole lot of sitting and telling the babies they have to stay in place for another month.

I still get my morning time with the girls tho, and it's precious to me. Before we start our day we cuddle on the couch and I ask how their night was, and tell them the plan for the day. Ellie likes to cover my tummy up to keep "babies warm" and Avy always hugs and kisses my belly on each side, one per baby. They're going to be good big sisters.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all, and much love from all of us!

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