Monday, August 22, 2016

An assortment of cute

Our internet was down for almost a week which threw all of us for a loop. Random pictures from the last couple weeks!

Goofy shower hair.

We had a friend visiting, and you can see how interested the babies were ;)

My little Tom Sawyer.

Outdoor painting, with brother observing.

What can I say? He's just a smiley bear.

...And then there's Lily.

The girls barricaded themselves into the carseats with pillows so the babies couldn't interrupt them. Avy had a hard time with the word barricade though. "Mom, help me bunkercade these pillows please!" Yes dear, just let me stop laughing!

Lily follows her sisters everywhere now :)

I left a bowl of plums next to them for two minutes. That's how long they needed to destroy. I don't bother chopping up plums for them any more ;)

It's been hot, and it's turned my girls into little goofballs. Kidding! They're always goofballs.

Plum season! The tree went nuts this year.

Making jam! Not as much as we thought though, turns out little girls can eat a lot of plums.

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