Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Beach day!

Our summer weather is already petering out but we managed to grab one more beach day here in Washington. This was a new beach we hadn't been to before, and visited with friends. Lots of sand! The babies hadn't seen so much sand up close before, they definitely got a sampling.

I'm discovering that Lily doesn't sleep unless it's in her own bed, so she's a little weary-eyed here. Still enjoying that sand though!

Theo sleeps great anywhere ;) He was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the whole time due to his ability to nap in the car.

Girls building sand castles. They spent a lot of time in the water too, Ellie especially. She liked to get down on her belly and float with just her chin above the water.

Popsicles! When the weather is 90+, it's definitely a good day for a frozen treat. These were melting faster than the girls could eat them - I had to help!

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