Wednesday, August 31, 2016

We're going on a trip!

So life with 4 under 4 is just not challenging enough, so -snerk-, hah! -laughs til she cries-


Ok, sorry about that. Anyway, we've decided to pile the whole family into an RV and take a road trip! We'll be visiting friends and family along the West Coast and will be gone for roughly three weeks in September. It's going to be exciting!

We're not roughing it - we'll be staying in a 33 footer palace. We've got a lot of cool places to stop and see (Jelly Belly factory anyone?) and we're looking forward to introducing the babies.

We took the whole family over to the rental place last weekend to sign the papers and do some test drives. The girls were in absolute heaven as you might expect (we'll see how they are by hour 2 of the trip though ;)

Babies just chilled in the stroller outside, moving carseats is a pain.

Their future home for the next month. So much schooling will be done here! So much.

Afterwards we stopped by Wendy's for some lunch. I predict this will happen a lot in September.

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