Saturday, February 18, 2017

Family fun

We have Nana Evers and Nana Becky in town for a week and the kids have been loving the extra attention. We've also had some gorgeous weather and have been taking advantage!

Lily really wants to learn how to bicycle.

Theo chasing all the balls outside. He's a puppy, that one.

Annah brought us Valentine's day cookies! Everyone was a fan, especially the babies. Thank you Annah!

Nana snuggling a Lily.

Really not sure what was going on here, but it looked hilarious.

Scientist Ellie.

The babies drink from cups themselves now. And most of the water goes in them!

Not sure if serious....

Brother wants it, guess it's ok!

Watching videos of themselves.

Kids: the unsnoozeable alarm clocks.

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