Monday, February 6, 2017

Snow Day!

Sunday late afternoon it started to snow, and by Monday morning we had a solid 8 inches on the ground. The girls were delighted, as was Momma ;) Snow day!

Crisp and pristine. Not once we got done with it!

"Mom! Can we go outside?" "Breakfast/chores first dears then oh heavens yes."

The hoard, getting ready for winter play.

Lily saw me put on a hat and promptly got one for herself too.

The little kids weren't sure what to make of it.

The big kids knew exactly what to do with it.

Lily kinda waded in on her knees. Unbeknownst to me, Theo had pulled off one of his boots right before going outside so he's stoically standing with one sopping wet foot.

This is the moment Lily realized snow is cold. She was never the same again.

Daddy attempting to go to work.

This was about as far as he got. Snow day for everyone!

After discovering the cold/wetness that is snow, neither baby really wanted to venture out past the dry area.

Daddy holding the silly babies.

Theo holding a snowball. Daddy may or may not be egging him on to throw it at Momma.

We're well embroiled in a snowball fight with some neighborhood kids at this point.

Our friend Nikki from down the way.

A well-earned bottle!

Round 2, backyard! Building a snow fort.

"Mom, can I have carrots for my snowman?" ... a few minutes later... "Avy, where'd your carrots go?" "I ate them!"

Ellie's many-nosed snowman.

By the evening the snow started to melt, and there's a decent crust of ice all over it now. We're supposed to get another couple inches tonight but then we return to rain. Still a great snow day!

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