Sunday, February 12, 2017

Weekend fun

I went outdoors to pick up the remaining snow toys. The babies were put out at being left behind.

Big sister Ellie helping Theo down the hallway.

Avy rocking the every-type-of-nerd look.

I was cooking and Lily asked to put on an apron too. Then she climbed up a chair herself and started drawing. She's growing up... :')

The girls asked to make brownies and after I agreed Ellie asked me, "Can we give them to our dance class friends?" Of course you can dear! And we made just enough for them each to have one, and their friends and siblings to have one too. None for Momma, yay!

Lily loves her new-found ability.

Big sisters are the best.

Theo doesn't hold still long enough for me to get many good pictures, but he was tickled pink over his ability to put the headband on himself.

Helping Mom cook. I'm just embracing the inevitable, really.

Joint bath! Worked pretty well actually.

Theo runs everywhere now and sometimes he has a hard time with momentum. Witness his first shiner, gotten by running around the corner of the table, sliding, and hitting his face on the corner of a chair. I'm sorry to say I laughed.

Helping Daddy prep the grill. The girls are scrubbing down the grates while the babies throw balls and generally enjoy the spring weather.

Yes Daddy!

So Katie, visiting us again when? ;)

1 comment:

  1. O.m.g. I SO wish some of this could be mail ordered..... not scheduled to be there till December! 😢😒
