Sunday, March 19, 2017

At the farm

It was cold but not rainy, so we met some of our friends over at the Kelsey Creek farm. Again, Theo loves animals. I see a pet or three in our future.

These chickens knew the difference between fingers and food, and only gently pecked at his fingers to test them out. Theo would just giggle and stick more fingers out; Lily was more of the "oh heck no" variety and climbed back into the stroller.

The goats love scratches and normally come over to be petted, but this time they were too comfortable. Sorry Theo!

Back at home, after bedtime for the babies. We've recently moved the girls' bedtime back an hour and it's a new world: we spend that hour cleaning up, doing activities and reading. The girls here are doing water play for an hour while I make cookies for the neighbors. <happy sigh>

See that floor? That floor was not visible when I left to put the babies down: the girls picked it all up while I was out so they could get to their activity faster. I'm retiring soon, I swear.

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