Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Running the puppies

Running the puppies becomes every more important as they get bigger, rain or shine. Normally we go to playdates or community centers, but with everyone having colds this week we've had to get creative.

The park! Creative. It was good though, the kids ran and slid and jumped and chased squirrels and burned off some of their energy, rain not withstanding.

Hiking in the forest! The girls were good sports for this 2.5 mile hike as it rained the whole time. We brought munchies and slowly doled them out to the kids to keep their spirits high.

Towards the end there was no escaping the downpour and we were all soaked. Hot chocolate at home made everything better though.

Back at home, once dry, a spontaneous band formed!

We've had rock candy in the mix (from this blog) and the girls finally got to eat it. We also took a look at normal sugar crystals vs the huge ones under our microscope, along with some mold on cheese that I had found earlier in the day. The girls thought this was bafflingly cool.

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