Friday, March 10, 2017

Fun days

The girls and I found a library book called "Fancy Day" which is all about dressing up, using your best manners and "fancy" words and holding a fancy party, and we decided to do one of our own. We're practicing our fancy manners now, and wearing our fancy dresses as much as humanly possible.

Took everyone to the community center to burn off some steam (almost every day this week actually, running the puppies is becoming ever more important).

There was a little table and after a bit Lily climbed up, turned to me and indicated she wanted a snack. So... they had snack at the little table. Perfect table manners.

Hula hooping.

Biking about like big kids!

"Mom, do yer joob!" The girls liked to line all the letters out in sequence then ask me what word that spelled. Then would tell me I was silly when I sounded it out ;)

Jessilee came to visit! We love Jessilee, she does airplane.

Lily was throwing blocks about so I asked her "Are you picking up blocks like a big helper? Thank you!" so she picked up all the blocks. That not being enough, she then picked up the ball and jacket.

What else to pick up, what else. Me!

Theo's a bruiser - just look at that forehead!

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