Jackets not withstanding, it was lovely! We drove out to the Mercer Slough and went for a hike on the boardwalk.
Then we stopped by our local animal shelter for hands-on practice on how to treat animals. No puppies or dogs for young kids sadly, but lots and lots of cats!
There are
three cats in this little "cat condo", one up high, one in the box that Lily and Theo are peering into, and one in the nest Ellie is investigating. They did great at being gentle!
Theo especially liked the cats - he was kissing the windows and saying "bye-bye!" to each one as we walked by.
Then popsicles at home.
In the evening I pulled out our latest laundrypocalypse and all four kids helped me (to varying degrees) sort, fold, and put away laundry. It's a new world!