Wednesday, September 20, 2017


I took the kids in for their flu shots this week and they were unsurprisingly unenthusiastic. First came Ellie who very cheerfully flailed about as I tried to wrestle her to the table and with a smile calmly told me, "I don't want a shot Mom, I don't want it."

Next up was Avy, who cried going in, cried during, and cried after :(

Then Theo, who was calm but worried as I lay him down on the table and pulled down his pants (babies' shots were in their thighs, girls' in their arms). The shock of pain set him off though so I had to spend a few minutes comforting both Avy and Theo.

Which meant it took me a few minutes to realize Lily was trying to climb up onto the table by herself. I told Avy and Theo I had to help Lily and they calmed down a bit to watch me lift Lily onto the table. She pulled her own pants down, I helped her lie down, and she watched the nurse give her the shot with barely a wince. Then she looked at me, pointed to the spot and told me, "Booboo, ouch." Then stood and tried to pull her own pants up. Never cried once.

Dang kid, you've got self-control.

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