Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Some days are just like this

Or in this case, 10 minutes. Ellie was carrying her bowl of yogurt to the counter and she dropped it upside down. She started crying so I set my coffee down to help her clean up the mess. Not two seconds later Avy put her bowl on the counter and accidentally knocked over my coffee. Oh dear...

Completing a task without interruption is basically impossible though, so I got detoured helping Theo get his socks and shoes on, helping Avy put on her jacket, holding Ellie after she full-body-tripped over my feet, then chasing down Lily as she attempted to wipe up the mess with approximately six towels. Somewhere in there I did what all good parents do and took a photo of the hilarity ;)

My only regret was that I dropped my phone at one point in the puddle as I was cleaning it, putting my brain in my life's blood on the floor :/

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