Saturday, December 9, 2017


It was the babies birthday - they're two!! How time flies.

Ellie was very proud of her neatly made bed.

Going for a rainy walk!

Grandpa Donald send the babies beautiful cards and some cash. This was mindboggling to them: "Mine? Mine!?!"

I told them I was going to take the cash and put it in a "box" for safe keeping for each of them (we have savings accounts for them). Lily didn't want to hand it over so... she got a box!

Dinosaur tails! They've been mooching the girls' recently so I made them each their own (smaller). Lily's was patterned after an Ankylosaurus.

Theo's obviously rocking a Stegosaurus :)

The big girls got renewed interest in their tails, of course ;)

Lily liked the new counter balance and how it made her feel while she spun around ;)

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