Saturday, December 9, 2017

What a morning

More toddler time for getting out the wiggles! A local preschool joins us every day so the kids are starting to have regular friends - wonderful opportunity :)

Everyone was on a great streak and I needed to buy some sewing supplies, so we trekked to the local mall. Dave and I have been looking for opportunities to have the girls practice saving/spending money and learn about scarcity so we practiced with rides. Each girl got 4 quarters and got to pick where to spend it, but when you were out, you were out! It was highly gratifying that a) there was no whining when they ran out and b) they even spent a quarter each for the babies to have a ride too, despite me telling them I would pay for the babies. They wanted to share :)

School! I loved Ellie's bear.

Her pillow looked kinda dice-like....

I don't think I've ever been so proud of Avy as here. She wanted to write "fish", but her S turned out a little funny. You can tell from her face she's not happy - she really didn't want me to take a picture. Generally I tell them after they've completed the word once, they can be done; Avy refused to be done. She didn't want to do it again, you could tell, but she kept muttering to herself, "I can do better!"

A few minutes of glaring at the board, and then she did this! And she was so proud :D Never give up!

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