Sunday, December 25, 2016

Auntie Rachel and Uncle Christian came to visit!

And it's a new world order for the babies - I don't think they were put down once. Rachel, Christian, they've been following us around since, demanding to be held. What have you started!!??

Walking! (with help)

Face the camera ladies!

Afternoon activity

Aunt Rachel is reading to the girls and Christian is entertaining the babies. <tiptoes out of the room>

Christian making two look easy (and light!).

Two dudes chillin'.

Lily's trying to sneak into the bro-fest.

Lily's enjoying the chicken ride, really! That look is actually "Mom, why haven't we done this sooner?"

Delicious sweet potato...

Or bottle. That works too.

He looks so happy. She was really chomping down too, but as soon as she let go he stuck his other finger in there. Weirdo ;)

Opening Christmas presents!

Awesome monster socks!

Planet cups! The girls love these - I'm having to talk up other planets because Earth is the clear favorite.

Rachel, I tried to get a good picture of you all, I swear. The four little ones are just really wriggly.

Theo and Ellie synchronizing:

 This sequence just cracks me up. Avy, trying to be helpful, is WWE-style throwing Lily down, who is refusing to show her face for the camera.

This is what most of the shots were more like: action!

Hey, not bad! Except no Theo :(

More action!

Snuggles from Auntie Rachel!

Ahh I see the family resemblance.

So much love :)

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