Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas y'all! We had a great one here, girls opened their presents super slowly, savoring each one. That time will pass, I'm sure :)

Ellie showing Theo how his new piano works (the old one got left out in the rain a few months ago).

Lily wants to try!


Stacks of gears - you put them on the pole and they spin the direction the pole is held.

The kids got a set of pretend doctor's equipment (heard enough about them being "doctor's offices") - this was far and away the favorite. They were giving shots to everyone.

Dr. Avy gleefully tells Daddy he needs a shot.

Even more gleefully applies it!

Dr. Avy skeptically checking Daddy's ears for his brain.

I'll admit, I got these for my inner child (resin cast insects). The girls loved them though and they went perfectly with the toy microscope they also got - they kept looking at the bugs through the microscope.

Random shot of the merry chaos :)

Lily was happy, I swear. She just wanted Ellie's toy.

Each book they unwrapped: "Can we read?" "Don't you want to open the other presents?" "No, read!"

Hi sweet girl. What are you wearing?

Hi my little dinosaur ;)

Not-annoying musical toy from Bungie. This was a hit with everyone.

Glasses came with the doctor's kit. Hilarious.

Mad Doctor Ellie!

Avy will be a nerd queen one day.

"I will rule them all!"

Dr. Ellie is checking Daddy's heartbeat. In his hip.

I only had one child who would let me dress her for Christmas (and had the clothes), darn it she was gonna be festive!

Theo doing his happy-bounce-dance:

Lily Lou Hoo.

Hmm, Theo, you can't conquer your sister.

Can't ride her either...

Now Theo, Theo is a born dinosaur.

In the afternoon we had our cousins Michael, Diep, and Evelyn come over for dinner.

Mmmm, prime roast.

Wonderful having family over!

The kids got along great. Lily and Evelyn especially liked to wander off into a room together and play.

Ellie is teaching Evelyn how to play her new game.

Overall, a really fabulous Christmas. Hope everyone's was wonderful as well! Much love to you all :)

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