Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Birthday Pics

Friday was the babies' birthday so we didn't do anything, but Sunday we broke out the cupcakes and banners.

Lily wasn't so sure about this cupcake thing.

Theo was very sure about this cupcake thing!

"Ehh, I'm sure you tried, Mom..."

"Om nomnom nom."

Your sock is looking a little blue there kiddo...

Second round.

He looks like he's got a bad case of frost(ing)bite.

Hi big girl.

Hi other big girl :)

Lily likes hair accessories. Anything is a hair accessory really: a book, a box, a bowl... but these headbands are the best!

Great-grandfather Aldridge sent the babies each a musical card, and Theo's even had flashing lights! Grandpa, best present ever - this entertained the kids for days!

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