Friday, December 2, 2016

Gingerbread Workshop

Nana and I took the girls to a gingerbread workshop in downtown Bellevue. This was basically every kid's fantasy: a huge room with buffet tables of candy laid out that you could get as much as you wanted. There was coffee, hot chocolate, and apple cider to sip while you worked, and of course plenty of candy for snacking ;) The girls made this a joy though - they were as polite as could be, asked before eating any candy, and I would estimate more candy went on the houses than went in them!

The first: "Momma, can I eat this?"

Avy turns out to have excellent piping skills.

Look at that focus face.

There's another one!

Avy discovered frosting is delicious; you can tell from her teeth ;)

Avy, your snowman looks a little... leany.

Down to business: eating!

Ellie wanted to carry her remaining candy as we left; Avy wisely let Nana carry hers. We stopped to look at the giant Christmas tree....

...Ellie stopped paying attention to her candy....

...oh no! I love that I caught the exact moment though. Ellie was a good sport: we picked it all up and threw away the unwrapped stuff, she was just happy to still have the peppermints.

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