Saturday, May 6, 2017

It might be summer

We had a few 80+ degree days here and we took full advantage, coming inside only for food and sleep.

Theo stalks our laptops now. He's super proud of his ability to affect the screen (by hammering on the keys).

Normally little girls steal their momma's shoes and try to wear them. But Momma doesn't wear shoes so... Lily stole Daddy's.

There are some shots you just know are going in the next year's calendar.

Outside in the pool! Ours had holes but held enough water for a wading pool, but a wonderful neighbor walked by, saw the hilarity and brought us their pool as a replacement. We have such wonderful neighbor/friends.

Also Theo did eventually learn how to eat a popsicle ;)

Taking a moment out of the cold water to sun himself. Boy is white.

Ridiculously photogenic.

Action shot!

Babies went down for their nap and soon after a giant thunderstorm came rolling in. I mean, window-shaking thunder, accompanied by just a deluge of rain. Definitely a juxtaposition to our morning.

After babies' bedtime we did an activity on density - we made little boats out of aluminum foil and floated them, then compressed pieces really tightly to make them sink (I mean, super tightly. The experiment initially gave incorrect results because I used too big of a piece of aluminum foil and couldn't compress it enough. The girls thought it was hilarious that I was annoyed but we figured out to use a smaller piece, and the foil sank!)

Then we put stuff in our boats. Having successfully floated a cup, Ellie moved right up to the big guns (spoiler: it sank).

Avy handled it surprisingly methodically: I gave them each a handful of pennies and she put one at a time in to count how many it would tank to sink it.

Then they just ran around the room finding toys to weigh down their boats. They loved this activity ;)

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